New Line-Up 2024

This is with a heavy heart that we announce tha our bassist Jean-Claude is leaving the band.

This is his choice for his own reasons, we’re in good term with him and we cheerfully thank him for his hard work with us, for these 25 concerts at our side.

We’ve done great things together during these 4 years.

Good luck to you and for your future projects, you’ll always be part of the Lyncelia family.

For the moment, we continue as a 2 pieces-band and to focus on the writing of the new and 6th album.

Live video from DIJON

Live video of the song “PROMISED TO FAILURE” from the concert in DIJON  (FR) on 08th June 2024 available on our youtube channel.

It’s been a while we didn’t play this song written more than 10 years ago. This is probable the 5th times we play it live.


LIVE – BESIDE VENUS Live Album available

Our Live album “LIVE – BESIDE VENUS” is available on Digital on our BANDCAMP Page.

This live album contains 17 songs, for 1h30 of music, recorded live on 10th June 2023 in PARIS during the – THROUGH THE VENUS GARDEN TOUR 22/23 – PART II.

This live album is not perfect but it’s authentic. NO Overdubs, NO re-recording, NO pitch Correct, NO Editing: JUST REAL MUSIC.


  9. BLIND
  15. LINXYA


Through The Venus Garden Tour Part III



New dates added :

  • 07/10/23 – FR – TROYES @ Le Ranch
  • 04/10/23 – FR – REIMS @ Les Vieux De La Vieilles (With NEGATIVE RITUAL)
  • 01/11/23 – FR – LILLE @ Le Yéti Bar
  • 03/11/23 – FR – CALAIS @ Le Pop Rock Bar
  • 04/11/23 – FR – LIEVIN @ Le Krake’nCo
  • 11/11/23 – FR – ROUEN @ Le Fury Bar

Check out the dates near you and come to see us on tour. We’re so impatient to be back on stage and play for you.



Second leg of our first tour for our new album.

5 dates in France and 1 date in Belgium from February to June 2023. We’ll come to Paris (2 dates), Laon, Amiens, Ichtegem (BE) and Chambly.

Check out the dates near you and come to see us on this tour.

– THROUGH THE VENUS GARDEN – New album available

The new and Fifth album “THROUGH THE VENUS GARDEN” is available on CD and Digital.

The CD version is at 10€ (+ Shipping costs) and the Digital Version is on Friendly Price, you give what you want.


« Through The Venus Garden » seals the collaboration as a 3 pieces band with a coherent and well finished album. We developped our Gothic-Rock side emphasizing a duality between male and female voices.

We take over themes from Greek Mythology (Venus, Cassandra, Pandora) and From Romantic Era (Loreleï, The Venus From Ille) and continue to reach this ascension to the sensual expression of unknown beauty.

Track listing:

  1. Season
  2. Pandora
  3. The Way I Shine
  4. Lenses
  5. The Sense of Love
  6. Filling My Fate
  7. Through The Venus Garden
  8. The Seal of Seduction
  9. The Day I Die


Here we go! We kickstart our first tour for the release of our new album.

9 dates in France from September to December 2022. We’ll come to Paris (3 dates), Lyon, Reims, Orléans, Château-Thierry and Rouen.

Check out the dates near you and come to see us on the road.



“Through The Venus Garden Album” Coming Soon

The album is on its way to the manufacture.

Here is the awesome cover artwork made by our talented friends Sioux Ink Tattoo ( He made a huge work on this cover and we were upset by this so much beautiful artwork. Many thanks to him.

We hope you’ll love this album cause we do our best for it.


  1. Season
  2. Pandora
  3. The Way I Shine
  4. Lenses
  5. The Sense of Love
  6. Filling My Fate
  7. Through The Venus Garden
  8. The Seal of Seduction
  9. The Day I Die

The Beauty of Sound: The Guitar sound from the Doubt

For this article, I will explain the gears I used to record “The Beauty of Doubt”. I start with the guitars, then will come Bass, Drums and Synths on other posts.

For the guitars, I principally used my Gibson SG standard. It has a sound that I’m really in love with since the first day. I used it on almost all the titles excepting “Self-Mystery Girl”, principally for all the lead guitars cause it had a more sensual and luscious sound than my other guitars.


In addition of this guitar comes a Fender Stratocaster I used on clean tracks for “Beloved” and on all the “Self-Mystery Girl” guitars. The Fender Clean sound is iconic and fits with the coldwave sound I developped on previous albums.

I also used my Gibson SG Future on rhythm guitars for “Elegiac Frustration” and “Lustful Feelings” cause these songs needed a more rough and saturated sound, and this guitar is a good choice for this kind of sound.

For this album I made big use of Ebow, it’s an electronic device that makes notes endless. This effect is awesome and add a more dramatic touch to our music. You can hear it on the chorus of “Beloved”, on the ending lead of “Elegiac Frustration”, in the middle of “Lustful Feelings”, on the rainy guitars of “Endless” and on the dramatic final of “The Beauty of Doubt”. 5 songs on the 7 of the album.

For the effects, I only used analog pedals (except the Reverb one) from Marshall, Mxr and Electro-Harmonix. For the distorsion I used the Guv’nor that has a warm sound (even with a lack of treble) I really love with good low end. For songs “Elegiac Frustration” and “Lustful Feelings” I used the Jackhammer that has a more aggressive sound.


Now the Chorus Effect, it’s an effect I do love and never switch off, getting a richer sound. I used the MXR Analog Chorus that gives a warm effect without being too invading.

MXR Analog Chorus

I also used on songs “Self-Mystery Girl”, “Endless” (on lead guitars), “Lustful Feelings” (on chorus lead guitars) the MXR Flanger. Very good pedal, always musical without drowning the guitar in its effect.

For the Delay, effect I also never switch off, I only used the Electro-Harmonix Memory Man. It’s an analog one, the sound is dirtier than a digital one (that I used on previous albums) but fits better in the sound by adding a luscious feel without drowning the guitar with its echos.

And at last, I used a TC Electronics Arena Reverb. It’s a digital one but I prefer Digital reverb more detailed and realistic adding space and air to the sound.

I forgot, I also used an Electro-Harmonix Bad Stone Phaser on the “Endless” rainy guitar, giving movement to the ebow lead.

MY top 10 albums of this last decade

As a tradition for all people, it’s my turn to let you know about my top 10 albums on this last decade. It includes the albums I most listened to during these years in chronological order.

1 – Zola Jesus “Stridulum II” (2010)

Her second album. Very personal and new from me at this time, I was completely seduced by her voice and her electronic music. The first song is a cult one fro me.

2 – Dead Can Dance “Anastasis” (2012)

Their great return with an awesome album. All is perfect on this one, great arrangements, great hypnotic songs. And the tour following this new album was a blast for me. I rarely heard a so powerful and clear live sound. Perfect!

3 – Christina Aguilera “Lotus” (2012)

Everybody knows that i’m a huge Christina Aguilera fan for years. With this album she came back and with great modern songs. The album didn’t reach all I expected in the media but for me it’s one of her best album.

4 – My Dying Bride “A Map of All our Failures” (2012)

This album is my favourite of this band, the songs are really heavy and desperate without being boring. The album is powerful and emotionnal. I love their way of making music.

5 – Indochine “Black City Parade” (2013)

Not their best album but probably one I listened a lot (with Paradize and Alice & June). Black City Parade contains really good songs but the album is quite too long. Without 2 or 3 songs it could be great.

6 – Icona Pop “Icona Pop” (2013)

Everybody knows that I always loved Female Pop and this band was representing for me a fresh air and gave me some inspirations for my most danceable songs.

7 – Tying Tiffany “Drop” (2014)

An artist I do love, this is her last album I think and probably her best (with “People Temple”).

8 – Lana Del Rey “Ultraviolence” (2014)

I fell in love with Lana Del Rey with her previous one, I was expecting an awesome album but this one was far higher than I expected. The songs are very powerful and emotionnal with great guitar arrangements. The albums that followed were much disapointing comparing to “Ultraviolence” and I can’t listened to them without being bored.

9 – The Mission “Another Fall From Grace” (2016)

I don’t really know all their career, I only knew their hit single but this album is really awesome. For all Gothic-Rock Fan!

10 – Gary Numan “Savage” (2017)

I didn’t know very much his career, only his early 80’s albums I listened many years ago. With this album I discovered a great artist who kept his unique voice since his first hit “Are friends electric”. His recent albums (since “Pure” in 2000) are perfect, I encourage you to listen these.