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Lyncelia 10 years, Article #5: Concert @Le Buzz (Paris – FR)

For this new post, I come back on a particular moment that was the concert on 29th April 2016 in Paris (FR) with friends Troubel Fait’ and the great italian band Der Himmel Uber Berlin.
It was an important show cause it was my return on stage (previous show was in 2014), with a solo line-up, with a new guitar, a new sound setup, new stomp pedals and new songs from Forsaken Innocence that will come just soon. All was different than ever.
I can’t hide you that I was very, very anxious. The anguish to step the stage, alone with my guitar, as it was my very first concert with unreleased songs. I was waiting for this moment after month and month of work on the sound every tuesday on rehearsal sessions. I wanted this concert to be good cause the other bands puts their trust in me.
Not easy to open the show and to give the tune for the night. Lyncelia took place with a new incarnation. Lights went out, at last I was on stage facing all the people staring at me. I worked very hard for this and I was there.
I start the intro, synthesizers roars and make tension goes higher. The first notes of “blind” sounds at last, my guitare wrapped me with its sound, my voice take the mic and resounds in the venue. Drums, precise, cold and mecanic tunes the sound with its percussive power. I become me, my life is on, I’m Lyncelia. The chorus puts my voice to exteriorate all this excitation. The tension goes down for few senconds, “Unbound Pleasure” start up, I introduce this song that is about a young girl ready to become the girl she never used to be. Tempo goes up, my guitare distortion roars dynamically, a sexual tension take place with the chorus to the climax with the female voices… The concert take its way without problems, songs “Lost Anastasia”, “Sapphic Tears” runs the setlist. My concert of Indochine “L’aventurier” that I sung for the very first time blow the audience to end on the classic “Diamonds”. Lights on, concert is over.
It was a great pleasure to share my music with the audience. I give all my energy, and more when you’re solo with nobody around to put on the show.
This experience was intense and give me some trust on myself (I doubt at every moment). I was able to perform a show in all circumstances and all stage configuration. It comforts me on the fact that I love being on stage and this is the goal of Lyncelia.
…To be continued…