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21/12/2009: 10 Years ago, I was recording our first album “Lovelorn”.

It’s a little bit weird to say that 10 Years ago I was just starting to record the very first album “Lovelorn”. At that time I didn’t know that Lyncelia will become my prinicpal project, my goal, my life and that 10 years later we’ll be here more living than before.
I always keep few memories from recording session, maybe all the energy put on concentration erase my memories. I remember that these sessions were specials, it was the first recording made on my own in my studio just before quitting my room to a new appartment with more place. I discovered my style and my sound, all had to be done.
Equipped with my Lâg Arkane Gtr, my bass, my Virus TI and few Vst Instruments, I started these sessions to record the album “Lovelorn” making a first step for Lyncelia.
All the tracks were recorded in few days, first the drums and the Synths, then the Guitars, the bass and the voice. For the instruments, all goes very well but for the vocals it was quite harder. I wasn’t used to sing and I was searching for my voice. I had much headaches, disappointment and doubt when I recorded these vocals. I was depressed and angry to didn’t manage to perform what I had in my head. By the way, I was forced to do with that, to accept it and it forged my vocals style that, I hope, nobody can make it the same.
It also was my very experience on designing a cover album. I made it with a picture I took of a real Blue Rose my mother had. It was the perfect thing for this album and fitted so well on my music. I learnt the basis of cover design such as resolution, BCYM colors, cover size and more on Photoshop.
I’m still proud of this album even if I hear lots of defaults on it (both on the songs or on the sound) but I did the best I can at this time and I still had much pleasure to play these songs on stage.