
Unbound Pleasure Video Available.

Lyncelia Unbound Pleasure video

The “Unbound Pleasure” Video is now available!

This song tells the story of a young and innocent girl about to discover a new part of her with new sensations. She’s between apprehension, and excitation to become the girl she’s never used to be.

Many thanks to Isabelle and Chloé to make this video possible and real. Thank you Girls!

#SapphicLove #LGBTPride


Unbound Pleasure Video available on 15th september 2017

Lyncelia Unbound Pleasure video

The new video clip “Unbound Pleasure” will be available on friday 15th September 2017.

The release will be on our Youtube Channel and on our Videos Section.

The clip was shot on august 2017 and Features the models Isabelle and Chloé. Many thanks to you girls to make this video possible.


Unbound Pleasure video almost finished

Unbound Pleasure clip Preview

We are working on the realisation of the video clip and it’s almost finished. The results suit to what I wanted, both sensual and sexy but soft and tender.

It’s been a while I want to make this clip and I had some difficulties to find the girls who would like to accept to participate to this project. I thanks cheerfully Miss Chloé and Miss Isabelle to make this video possible and coming outside from my mind.

Final video clip coming soon.

Unbound Pleasure clip Preview


Shooting of the “Unbound Pleasure” video now complete.

Lyncelia Unbound Pleasure Shooting

The shooting of the “Unbound Pleasure” is now Complete.

Sunday 20th August we shot the girls part and thursday 24th we shot the musical part.

We had, 5 hours and more of work, 2 alarm of the smoke detector (because of the overdose of smoke machine), a shampoo during the shooting cause of the sweat, one re-make up and lots of fun.


It would like to thanks Chloé for being part of this project and of course Isabelle for all the work and help you’ve done with me.

Now, I must work on the realisation of the video.

Shooting of Unbound Pleasure Video

lyncelia shooting Unbound Pleasure

ANNONCE Clip Unbound Pleasure

Pour la réalisation du clip du titre ” Unbound Pleasure ” :

J’ai besoin de deux jeunes filles (entre 20 et 30 ans, résidant en région parisienne) féminines, sensuelles et douces ; Suffisamment à l’aise avec les thèmes de l’homosexualité féminine pour accepter de s’embrasser dans le clip.
Le but est de créer un clip sensuel et sexy sans AUCUNE NUDITÉ ni vulgarité ; entre séduction et excitation. 

Le clip sera filmé en juillet ou aout en fonction des disponibilités de chacune.
Bien sûr, il y aura une (petite et symbolique) “rémunération” pour les 2 demoiselles.

Si vous êtes intéressées, MP par Facebook ( ou par mail ( pour avoir plus de détails.

Unbound Pleasure will be our next video Clip.

Hello all,

The poll is now closed and you choose the song “Unbound Pleasure” to be our next video clip.

I thank you all for your contribution and for helping me to make a choice.

Unbound Pleasure is about Love between 2 girls in an embrace. It’s about a girl who wants to cross the threshold with her friend. She’s not sure of her feelings but she has a crush with a girl for the first time. She will discover these new emotions and feelings and wants to be the girl she never used to be.

This is now time for me to work on the making of this video clip. 🙂


What song do you want for the next video clip?

Hello all,

Lyncelia need you! I want to make a new video clip from my last album “Forsaken Innocence” but I hesitate between the songs “Unbound Pleasure” and “Lost Anastasia”. I need your help to answer this question.

Vote and I will make the video-clip for the song YOU want.

For a facebook live, would you prefer a set of

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Poll open today 22nd May and close 28th May.

To help you make a choice between the 2 songs:



Lost Anastasia (2016)

Lyncelia Lost Anastasia (2016)

“Lost Anastasia” (2016)

“Lost Anastasia” is taken from my last album “Forsaken Innocence”, this song is about a lovely girl I met in a plane.

This encounter was brief cause we hadn’t the same destination. Her life is in Poland, mine is in France. And this day I lost my dearest love. It remains to me only her sweet name resounding inside my head, Anastasia…


Sweet Female Voice by Amélie B.